My Business Almost Killed Me
FREE 11-Minute Video Report For Business Leaders
How To Break The Hidden Link Between Your Business, Stress, and Pre-Mature Death
The True Story of How She Healed
Leukemia in 12 Months Without Chemo
If You Don't Know This -
You're Hurting Your Money And Your Life
You don't need to understand the science, but you must be able to flip the switch.
I get it. That's exactly what you want to know about quantum physics - how to flip the switch and tune into the frequency and energy of ease, joy, and abundance.
I've been studying and using quantum physics for more than 30 years. First in my own life. Then with clients and companies in 17 countries around the world.
What if YOU or your SALES TEAM could shift your lifeline and make the largest sale of your life in 36 hours?
It's all about your frequency
2-minute watch
Get Control of Your Company And Life
More Money! Less Stress! More Fun!
It’s shocking but true. I’m Deberah Bringelson… and as a CEO in Silicon Valley, I lived the high stress life, working 16 – 20 hours a day.
When I was in the middle of closing the biggest deal of my life with Richard Branson and Arnold Schwarzenegger, I would come home at the end of the day, feed my baby, put her to bed and then pull out the laptop and work until 3 or 4 A.M.
I was drowning under the pressure and stress of growing a company, not enough support at home or the office, and always having to "figure it out", whatever the current "it" happened to be.
I felt like I was doing it all alone… because I was.
I was exhausted.
I developed a huge mass in my throat. Imagine my horror when the doc told me that was only the tip of the iceberg; that I also had a brain tumor, needed 2 surgeries, and that I’d be on 6 medications for the rest of my life.
As a single mom, I was horrified. That couldn’t be my fate.
Thankfully, that wasn’t the end of my story.
I pulled out my quantum toolbox, the one that I’d been using for decades to help my clients and students… and my life and health started turning around.
I began healing both my body and my life; eliminating toxic stress at the root of all of the problems.
As I turned my energy on my body, the throat and brain tumors disappeared. My body started healing.
My doctor didn’t believe it… or me. She did a full battery of tests to prove me wrong. I’m now 100% tumor and med-free.
Is there still stress in my life? Of course. I’m still a CEO with a thriving business and a single mom.
But… I’ve got my quantum tools.
As a Business Leader, you need to be at the top of your game, making great decisions and leading the way.
Stress literally causes your brain to shrink. As a result, you make poor decisions.
According to Harvard Medical School, stress also increases your risk of serious health issues, like diabetes, heart attack, and stroke.
In this video training I give you the downlow on what's happening to your business and life and give you 3 proven strategies so you can get control of your business, your health, and your life.

I'll Throw In This Incredible Bonus FREE
Eliminate Stress - Attune To A Higher Frequency
It's all about frequency. When you are fearful, stressed, anxious, that is the frequency you emit. Your body sends webs of energy that match that frequency and those webs go out into the world and bring back people and experiences that match your fear and stress. This channeled, guided process used by all of my VIP clients, takes you into the quantum void to eliminate stress and attune to higher frequencies, replacing those of fear and stress.
* Guided Processses are different than meditations. All of my Processes have a specific intent. They take you into the quantum void where you can more easily shift your frequency and/or reality.

Is This You?
- You're terrified about what the economy might do next
- You feel like you're doing it all alone... because you are. There's no one to talk to. Your spouse can't help. Your employees expect you to have the answers. You certainly can't tell the only people who might understand (your competitors) what's really going on.
- You've got employees who show up for a paycheck and not much more
- Your managers and leaders don't lead
- Your wallet, bank accounts, relationships, body, health... all show the effects of too much stress!
- You're self-medicating with food, alcohol, drugs, and Netflix
- You don't admit it... even to yourself... but you wonder "Do I have what it takes?" And you worry that you're not good enough. Or that you're unworthy...
- You wish there was someone you could trust, but who?!

But, what if it didn't have to be that way?
I'm using these strategies in my own company and my VIP clients
around the world trust me to help them as they use them too.
This Is What REAL RESULTS Look Like
Your Guide
Deberah Bringelson
Global Profit-Producing Authority
Empowerment Expert

While in High School, Deberah developed a fascination with metaphysics, reading everything she could and then seeking out shamen, mystics and other teachers.
Growing up in a home filled with terrifying abuse and violence and suffering from the effects of severe trauma, Deberah knew that she had to find another way of living. Because, frankly, life sucked. Working with teachers from many spiritual and indigenous traditions, she began to see that she didn’t have to continue to live her past.
As she used what she learned, her life changed dramatically, not just internally, but on the outside as well. She was recognized as someone who controlled her own life and destiny, working with multiple U.S. Presidents, international business leaders, and negotiating and closing deals with business titans, like Virgin’s Richard Branson.
Deberah’s Secret Sauce was her broad depth of knowledge of meta- and quantum physics. In 2012, for the first time she revealed this secret to a client who was eager to learn. Using Deberah’s teachings and guided processes, this client shifted her life and grew her revenue $602 Million in 12 months.
Verified Results:
- 3,546% Growth – 12 Months (Zaya)
- 110% Growth - 10 Months (Discovery)
- Pre-revenue - $67 Mil. - 5 Weeks (VoteBash)
Deberah has worked with Fortune 100 and 500 CEOs, U.S. Presidents, members of Congress, business titans, like Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, David Packard, President Ronald Reagan, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and many others.
Her clients are empowered to live their own lives of personal and financial freedom, while at the same time, experiencing explosive results that skyrocket both personal and financial growth. With Deberah's proven “Quantum Results” Formula, they experience exponential success, combined with a clear understanding that life and business are meant to be easy, abundant, joyful and fun!
As Deberah says, "I'm not just in this for the sale - I'm in it for your results."

More From The CEO Wall...
Thrive In The New Economy
"Every Business Needs This"
CEO - You can do this. I'm going to help you. My free "Quantum Results Formula" series will help you and your team get unstuck and moving forward, even in this time of uncertainty.

We increased our revenue 3,546% in 12 months. Without Deberah we'd really be in trouble. She promises a lot and over delivers.
Using Deberah's Formula, we're averaging 36% to 95% revenue growth... every month!
"Deberah's ability to energetically transform people - their lives and business - is incredible. It's one of her many superpowers."
This is much more than business coaching. I was playing small, limiting my company, missing opportunities because of my beliefs.
"Very few people have positively influenced my life the way Deberah has. Freedom is having a business that runs so smoothly that you can walk away - explore the world and love your life! I've got that!
You can have massive success without sacrificing your health, family, and life. Real freedom is having a hugely successful business and a fabulous life. I deserve it!